Previously around the year 1950, President Sukarno issued information about descendants of Chinese in Indonesia. For the descendants of Chinese citizens who choose to become citizens of Indonesia, was to immediately change the name of their Chinese name into Indonesia. For example, my grandfather, originally called Lie Tie Djoe then switch into Tedja I Made.
Many may consider that this is one form of racial discrimination, and also a few who hate the Soekarno as this. But for me, this is one step in order to generate the Soekarno surge of nationalism in the heart of Indonesia every descendant of Chinese in Indonesia. Should be recognized in the future, the struggle of nationalism is a campaign the most powerful movement at that time. Not only in Indonesia, also has the third-world countries, like Cuba, Libya, China, Turkey, India and others.
It is not possible for us to join in a nation when we do not own berbaur socially with the community in the nation. Does not equal mungkinnya if we want to maintain a pure entity with different entities that are around. Because it will create a eksklusifitas that may cause friction, using friction that can become a time bomb for the ongoing conflict. And the circumstances that took place in Indonesian society at the time that allows it to happen.
Sukarno may be weak in the Holocaust tragedy befall the Jewish people of Europe in 1940-an. Similarly, racial discrimination, which they received in Europe since the Crusade progress. And this may cause eksklusifitas Jewish community, one of which prohibit perkimpoian between Jews with the Jewish community apart. Such as, the story Shakespeare in the Merchant of Venice. May be weak from it, the Government of the People's Republic of China apply the principle of ius sanguinis in terms of their nationality, to be able to protect the people in China that spread across the world.
Step Sukarno was also in line with the concept of nation-state that he usung, namely, the will to unite (le whiz d'Ítre Ensemble - Ernest Renan), taste the same boat sepenanggungan (eine worn Schiksals-gemeinschaft erwachsene Character-gemeinschaft - Otto Bauer) and taste unity with the people buminya (Endang Suryadinata - Jawa Pos, 3/8/2007). This concept is closely related to the spirit antikolonialisme Indies, the Netherlands and Japan and the desire to become an independent nation within the indigenous turbulent at that time.
As a humanist, Sukarno tried to embrace the descendants of Chinese citizens as a nation. Because it's clear the third concept is not there may be among the descendants of Chinese citizens in Indonesia. Although there may be very few in number. The Chinese descendants to receive treatment from the government-colonial Dutch East Indies, which vary with the indigenous residents. In fact, many Chinese descendants in the colonial period to be Mr. Land in Indonesia, which is not directly increase the weight of suffering people of Indonesia who live in belengggu occupation.
I witnessed how eksklusifitas direct descendants of Chinese citizens in Bangkok to create antipati among the many residents around them. For example, only use Mandarin when a conversation with their fellow, young people tended to mingle only with their fellow, etc.. And somehow because of what, I also berantipati against them, especially eksklusifitas hated them and therefore feel disgusted.
Eksklusifitas will only bring hatred, which culminate in the social conflict.
Many may consider that this is one form of racial discrimination, and also a few who hate the Soekarno as this. But for me, this is one step in order to generate the Soekarno surge of nationalism in the heart of Indonesia every descendant of Chinese in Indonesia. Should be recognized in the future, the struggle of nationalism is a campaign the most powerful movement at that time. Not only in Indonesia, also has the third-world countries, like Cuba, Libya, China, Turkey, India and others.
It is not possible for us to join in a nation when we do not own berbaur socially with the community in the nation. Does not equal mungkinnya if we want to maintain a pure entity with different entities that are around. Because it will create a eksklusifitas that may cause friction, using friction that can become a time bomb for the ongoing conflict. And the circumstances that took place in Indonesian society at the time that allows it to happen.
Sukarno may be weak in the Holocaust tragedy befall the Jewish people of Europe in 1940-an. Similarly, racial discrimination, which they received in Europe since the Crusade progress. And this may cause eksklusifitas Jewish community, one of which prohibit perkimpoian between Jews with the Jewish community apart. Such as, the story Shakespeare in the Merchant of Venice. May be weak from it, the Government of the People's Republic of China apply the principle of ius sanguinis in terms of their nationality, to be able to protect the people in China that spread across the world.
Step Sukarno was also in line with the concept of nation-state that he usung, namely, the will to unite (le whiz d'Ítre Ensemble - Ernest Renan), taste the same boat sepenanggungan (eine worn Schiksals-gemeinschaft erwachsene Character-gemeinschaft - Otto Bauer) and taste unity with the people buminya (Endang Suryadinata - Jawa Pos, 3/8/2007). This concept is closely related to the spirit antikolonialisme Indies, the Netherlands and Japan and the desire to become an independent nation within the indigenous turbulent at that time.
As a humanist, Sukarno tried to embrace the descendants of Chinese citizens as a nation. Because it's clear the third concept is not there may be among the descendants of Chinese citizens in Indonesia. Although there may be very few in number. The Chinese descendants to receive treatment from the government-colonial Dutch East Indies, which vary with the indigenous residents. In fact, many Chinese descendants in the colonial period to be Mr. Land in Indonesia, which is not directly increase the weight of suffering people of Indonesia who live in belengggu occupation.
I witnessed how eksklusifitas direct descendants of Chinese citizens in Bangkok to create antipati among the many residents around them. For example, only use Mandarin when a conversation with their fellow, young people tended to mingle only with their fellow, etc.. And somehow because of what, I also berantipati against them, especially eksklusifitas hated them and therefore feel disgusted.
Eksklusifitas will only bring hatred, which culminate in the social conflict.
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